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Aeroplan your partner in Airports
For airports numerous tasks of planning, design and project management handled by Aeroplan include the following:
- Runway, taxiway and apron lay out development including taxi simulation
- Peer reviews for airport projects
- Environmental reviews for green airports
- SARPS investigations and reports to make safer airports
Our versatile capabilities in such a broad field as the application of electricity enable us to provide optimized services for airport projects:
- Power and emergency supplies and distribution in HV and LV
- Aviation ground lighting
- Advanced surface guidance and surveillance (A-SMGCS) for taxiway and apron lighting providing „follow the greens”
- Runway, taxiway and apron markings and signage
- Advanced Docking guidance systems
- Adaptive Apron and deicing pad floodlighting in LED technology
- Shelters and areal system for Navigation, Surveillance and Communication
- Remote and Monitoring system for the airport lighting
- Weather sensors and observation stations